If you’re looking for Essential Wellness Chiropractic & Massage, we have changed our web address and you can now find us here.
Hi, Friend.
I'm Kristin AKA “Mama” to Tanner, Brody, and Keelie AKA “Dr. Marchman” to patients at my office, Essential Wellness Chiropractic and Massage AKA "Sugar sugar honey honey" to my husband, Tyler (just kidding, he doesn’t call me that, but it sure would be fun). I'm passionate about natural health and wellness and it’s my goal to help families create happier, healthier homes. I'm so glad you are here!
- Dr. Kristin Marchman
Essential Oils
I believe every home needs essential oils. I would love to share with you how they've changed my life.
My other “baby" and my happy place aside from my home. I love this place.